What is in a customer’s mind?

Hi, this post is going to be a review of a product. Previously, I shared a first impression of a hair serum (I will share the link at the end of this post). This is NOT a review of the same product. I wanted to share why I purchased this and the effectiveness of the product. let’s begin!

I was using treatment serum from Sailajah to reduce my hair loss. when I went to repurchase the serum, the stockist recommended their hair tonic. i was curious and had a look on the product. she demonstrated the usage method; it was cool because the tonic is water based. I have sinus, and sometimes I wear scarf and helmet, serum was oil-based and I don’t feel refreshing and soothing whenever I wear helmet after applying serum. Serum soothes my scalp only when i have dandruff / when my scalp irritates due to sun exposure.

hence, I bought 1 to try first. I clearly followed the directions. I sprayed the tonic on partially wet scalp and gently massaged my scalp. by the way, you can spray this on dry scalp too. for the first impression, very soothing and smells amazing. I immediately checked the ingredients. The hair tonic contains:

  1. Aqua : water
  2. Butylene Glycol: improve the texture & conditions hair
  3. Larrea Divaricata extract: volumize, increase thickness, decrease hairloss
  4. Hamamelis virginiana leaf water: to treat red scalp, scalp burn-out, and for androgenetic alopecia. ( androgenetic alopecia is receding hairline)
  5. Glycerin: soothing & cooling effect, eliminate dandruff, treat sensitive scalp
  6. Panax ginseng root: strengthen hair follicles
  7. ginger root extract: has antiseptic properties that can reduce scalp infections
  8. centella asiatica extract: reduce inflammation & decrease hair loss
  9. polygonum cuspidatum root extract:
  10. scutellaria baicalensis root extract: reduce dandruff
  11. camellia sinsesis leaf extract: improve hair growth & conditions the scalp
  12. licorice root extract: soothes sensitive scalp
  13. chamomile recutita flower extract: strengthen hair follicles & has anti-inflammatory properties
  14. rosemary leaf extract: stimulates new hair growth
  15. menthol: stimulate blood circulation in the scalp & cause hair follicles to open up, leading to more hair growth, treat scalp psoriasis.

How about the result? (there are 5 claims listed in their packaging) :

  1. stimulates hair production (YES it does)
  2. improve hair density (I’m not sure but getting denser in the hairline)
  3. prevents premature grey hair ( for me NO because mine is because of genetic & I never make single effort to modify my lifestyle. BUT MY GREY HAIR IS NOT GETTING WORSE FOR SURE) – if you have grey hair due to chemical products it will work
  4. helps to strengthen hair (YES!!!)
  5. protects the scalp from dandruff & fungus (YES 10000000% AGREED)

other than these claims, I noticed new hair growth in hairline & other parts of my hair as it contains rosemary leaf extract. maybe it contributes for hair regrowth.

This tonic contains 100ml of product and I used these for 3-5 months. From my opinion RM 55 can use up to 3 months, and I can see some progress even in the first month itself. Isn’t worth the price?

Where you can get this product? Click : Follow this link to view our catalog on WhatsApp: https://wa.me/c/60176014251

Testimonial: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZGJUjwV9F/

Tutorial: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZGJUjsKcc/

Hair serum review: https://glowinthedarklife.wordpress.com/2019/01/25/your-hair-is-your-crown-hair-serum-first-impression-review/ (I will post the updated version soon because they have upgraded the product)

I tried to give a quick & informative review. Hope this benefits you. Thank you

Toxic Positivity

Hii , do u remember I posted about the art of getting what you want ? If you haven’t read it yet you can go through it later : https://glowinthedarklife.wordpress.com/2020/01/22/the-art-of-getting-what-you-want-how-to-use-confidence-to-achieve-your-goals/?preview=true

So this post is related to law of attraction too. Without delay, let me introduce the topic. I would like to share ways to upgrade yourself and create positivity. I hope you’ll know I love sharing my experiences and relating it with different situations.

Let’s begin

First of all, you need to have specific goal. If you don’t have a goal yet, create one ! For example, I am an entrepreneur and I don’t have a vision when I start up a business a year ago. All I had was a short term goal. I wanted money for just to attend my online classes. So, I signed up as a dropship. This is my story. Let’s say if you’re a student and you don’t have a vision , expectation, what will be in your mind ? Just to pass the exam right ?

Imagine you’ve passed your exam, what will be in your mind ? Now you’re ready to learn from your mistake and wanted to get at least B at this point right ? Same happened to me. I never know my capacity until I achieve my short term goal. When I achieved it in a short period (I never expect I can do it in a limited time frame), I took a break. Yes ! But, I hope those who following my blog and Instagram have seen this phrase : ‘Consistency is the key’

Can you guess what I did during the 8 months of break? (240 days guys!!)

I was doing a SWOT ANALYSIS. this isn’t related with entrepreneurship; I analyzed myself in this 8 months. I tried to identify my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Hence, I learned to utilize my strengths and opportunities (S O). Then, I listed out barriers (threats) I have to upgrade myself. I noticed that my weakness is actually fear of facing this threats. Therefore, I had a plan on what I can do to overcome / handle these difficulties.

When you have a recovery plan, you can easily discard your weaknesses. Eventually, you will turn your weaknesses into strengths. Example, what are the barriers you will have when you’re in long distanced relationship? Probably miscommunication right ? Find a way to overcome it and your barrier is no longer a barrier.

No matter you’re just stepped into the corporate world as an employee, entrepreneur, student , athlete or even housewife, you can apply all this if you pay attention to the details.

During this process, I learned a lot of new things. As an entrepreneur, I’m no longer believing in paid marketing because I learned ways to use different social media to brand myself. As time passes, I started to create database. I shared what I learned. It depends on you what kind of knowledge you would like to attain.

Remember learning is a lifetime process. So keep track your weakness and fix it. You’ll have positive mindset everytime because you believe that there’s a solution for every problems.

Therefore, you are filled with positivity. All these are related to law of attraction. Based on law of attraction, you attract what is meant to be. Law of attraction is a pseudoscience based on the belief that positive or negative thoughts will bring positive or negative experiences.

That’s how you attract positive people. You have all the rights to make changes. I noticed my environment is quite toxic and people around me aren’t the one who supports me. So I created new circle. I gave the support and love to others. Example, I followed back those who follow me in tiktok; that’s how I get a good amount of audience. I identified many entrepreneurs from my audience and I ask them to comment the description of their business and their Facebook or IG page. Hence, they get a chance to promote themselves. I also followed their page; supported them by sharing their updates.

See I gave first and never expect them to do it the same. Because universe is abundance , you need to trust the process. Surprisingly, others love my vibes and I get more engagements.

Can you see the flow ? Usually people tell us to change the mindset. From my opinion, it won’t be effective in a long term. So I modify my actions and build it up. It will become a habit.

Overall, trust the process and keep tracking yourself. You’ll heal after every hard times. Thank you ❤️

What does PCOS do to your body?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a medical condition caused by imbalance reproduction hormones. Healthy menstrual cycle is when the ovaries release eggs every month. When the eggs aren’t developed properly, it is not released during ovulation. Based on personal experiences, I realize that this syndrome is poorly understood and even women are unaware of this health problem.

PCOS patients are at a higher risk of developing infertility, dysfunctional uterine bleeding and endometrial carcinoma, and a number of metabolic disorders including insulin resistance,
hyperinsulinaemia, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, hypertension, dyslipidaemia and cardiovascular disease. hence, early diagnosis should be emphasized.


  1. irregular menstrual cycle (prolonged period or cycle are more than 35 days) – normal cycle are from 25-35 days. if it is shorter or longer than this time frame, please consult a doctor.
  2. hirsutism (hair on chin & other parts of the body where usually men have hair)
  3. female pattern baldness
  4. Weight gain
  5. Struggling to lose weight
  6. too many acne especially in the chest
  7. skin gets too dark (dull complexion & underarm , neck crease)
  8. stress
  9. sleeping patterns will change

Sometimes your lifestyle might lead to hormonal imbalance and insulin resistance which will lead to PCOS. so, proper diet, workout & getting enough sleep is really important.


  1. insulin resistance: Up to 70% of women with PCOS have insulin resistance meaning that their cells can’t use insulin properly. Insulin is a hormone the pancreas produces to help the body use sugar from foods for energy. When cells cannot use insulin properly, the body’s demand for insulin increases. The pancreas makes more insulin to compensate. Extra insulin triggers the ovaries to produce more male hormones.
  2. Inflammation due to higher level of androgen: obesity is a cause for inflammation in the body.

And sometimes it could be your genetic.

So, if you noticed any of these symptoms do get a medical checkup.


  1. infertility
  2. being overweight or obese increase the risk of high blood pressure, low HDL, thyroid, diabetes and heart disease
  3. pausing breathe when you’re sleeping (Sleep apnea)
  4. endometrial cancer (thick uterus wall)
  5. mood swings and depression

a lot of women are worrying about the treatment & feeling shy to consult a doctor. remember, it is always better to take actions as PCOS can be curable. All you need to do is a pelvic exam, blood test and an ultrasound. basically, the doctors diagnose PCOS in a women who have at least 2 of these symptoms (irregular menstrual cycle, cyst in ovaries, high androgen levels).

Honestly, I don’t really know about the treatment procedures. All I can say is maintain right body weight, make sure that your cycle is normal and take care of your mental health.

for the teens & women out there, here are 2 tips to balance your hormone. first, follow seed cycling & consume moon charged water (place a bottle of water under moon & drink it on the next day)

There is a strong connection between a woman body and the moon. women with irregular period can follow the moon cycle. These are the best preventative tips.

Almost 60% of women and 80% men do not even know what is PCOS. Overall, women with a diagnosis of PCOS reported that they had better knowledge than those who did not have PCOS.

Ways to verify a trusted seller

Online Shopping might be risky although it is easy for us to purchase something. We’re not new to online shopping. But, this pandemic season give us the urge to online purchasing more than usual. Unfortunately, online shopping is not only make shopping easier but it is also making scam easier. Hence, I’ll share simple yet effective steps to do safe online shopping.

Firstly, stalk! Yes you’ve to really stalk the profile. I did not only mean social media but I am also stressing out about the online shopping platforms such as shopee, lazada & mudah.my. There are several aspects that you need to keep in mind.

The most important thing is identity. You are scrolling your screen and an ad popped up. It seems attractive as the price of the item is way more cheaper. I feel you but put your excitement in a side and check their profile.

What is their username?

Many organization band members that use the name of their organization as a username. Username is the name of the user! Non of the organizations have shopee or lazada accounts. Honestly, they don’t need it as they already have their own website where you can purchase from them directly. So, if you came across a profile without valid username, the chances of getting cheated is really high

Next, is there any other way that you can contact the seller?

An entrepreneur doesn’t only depend on 1 source to get database of customers. For an entrepreneur, database is king! So, they have other platforms to share contents with their customers.

For example, I am a dropshipper for Sailajah Hair Care Products. You can find my business IG, FB accounts, my personal accounts, my fb page, pinterest account, blog, YouTube, Twitter and Tumblr. I’ve linked all these profiles in my FB & IG account. Even in my tiktokt, I’ve linked my personal Instagram and YouTube accounts.

Content is Queen. So, trusted sellers will find a way to brand themselves in different platforms. For example, if you sell clothes, you can post photos of yours in amazing outfits and you might pin your pictures in Pinterest. So, your IG / FB followers have a chance to view your dress collections. Meanwhile your pinterest followers or anyone who saved the similar boards can access your photos and it gives engagement to your account.

From a customer perspective, price is not the only thing that I care about. I have to use the item and I really want to know the advantages of the products, I also want to know whether it meets my preferences or not, overall the quality of the items. Even, if I’m thinking of to purchase a book. I want to make sure that I receive it fast and safe. So, where do I get all these details? From their personal account right? I can see the feedbacks of customers once received the items, Cod’s and other postage details.

In my case, I make use of many social media platforms. Those who have FB might not have Instagram, tiktok or pinterest, some might not interested in reading blog post but love watching YouTube videos. So, these platforms reach out potential customers with same preferences from different sources.

From this, you’ve definitely seen the face of the person. Next, check for the validity of the information shared by those sellers. Main information is the price. I know that cheaper price is what you want but spare a couple of minute to reach out the HQ’s official account. If there’s no promotions announced by the HQ itself and there’s someone selling cheaper price, then it is a violation.

According to the consumer act protection 1999 (Akta 599), fake or misleading representation is a big NO!

Although you bought a product from an unknown person in a cheaper price, and received it that doesn’t mean the product is in a good quality. It might be the local.

Apart from the sellers profile, you need to check on the products packaging. Local products definitely have errors that we definitely overlooked such as logo, spellings of the brand and other claims on the products, serial number and ingredients.

And do make sure of the payment procedures. Make sure that the seller is the account holder before transferring any amount. You can verify the details of the seller in CCID portal

You can even verify their phone number in this portal. Do not make any transfer if the account holder name is not similar with the username and if the handphone number is not similar registered with the bank account. If you want to know how international banking works, just leave a comment. I’ll post a separate post soon.

I hope you get many inputs on choosing the right seller. Please don’t put yourself in risk.

For more: https://youtu.be/ZTyXASrv1m0

Thank you

Money management tips every hostellers should know (part 2).

Money management is the process of expenses tracking, budgeting and investing. Money management is not really a piece of cake even for someone who live with family. So, hostellers definitely will struggle with handling their expenses.

I often hear from my friends that they are doing part time jobs meanwhile their parents are too supporting them financially but still they are facing financial crisis. They usually share that they have to use money for projects, and hangout with friends. That’s fine!

I am also have the same kind of expenses. I do faced many struggles to manage money and often get scolded for asking more money from parents. But, I’m not having any financial crisis now.

The first thing I do is tracking. I tracked all the expenses in a weekly basis. The reason I didn’t track my expenses in a monthly basis because I just want to know my basic expenses other than my commitments. My basic expenses usually are food and printing notes only then. Meanwhile my commitments are my university fee and room rent.

I don’t cook last time. So I used to take note how much money do I spend for my meals approximately. There will be no much differences in the price range for different items.

Same thing goes to my notes. I have to print notes every new lecture. Printing chapter by chapter is more cheaper than printing everything. Because sometimes lecturer do skip irrelevant chapters. I don’t want to waste extra money in that.

I’ve already shared about it https://glowinthedarklife.wordpress.com/2019/02/12/ways-to-save-money-for-hostellers-the-basics/

Incase you haven’t read the basics please click the link above. Done? Just scroll down

Next, invest! Sounds creepy nah? Hostellers really have limited money and excessive expenses. So, you might think how you can invest.

As a random person, I also thought investing is wasting my money. But that is FALSE! Incase you invest Rm 30, you will definitely earn twice than what you’ve invested. Always think of learning new skills or at least brush up existing skill to make money from that. Just don’t care what people think.

If you’re someone who love writing stories, collaborate with a short film team. You might feel hesitate to approach; go for the newcomers.

Next, if you receive allowance such as PTPTN, use separate bank account for that. Many of my friends just make the bank account where the allowance will be credited as their main account. They end up using all the money. Because, if you have separate accounts, tendency to not touch the other account is really higher.

Unknowingly, you will be only using your personal account most of the time. You’ll realize that you have saved a lot of money.

Then, who hates shopping?

Why not use cash back deals?

Shopping apps such as ‘Fingo’ and ‘Shop Back’ have this deal where you can purchase anything really cheap and get your cash back. In relation with that, you can make use of grab points, tiktok points. If you’re actively using these 2 apps, you have seen points where you can redeem for drive, food and shopping as well. You can also redeem these points when you really need it.

Briefly all you need to do, track, cut down, invest and decide wisely. Thank you

How do I multi-task although I’m lazy?

We know that multitasking is not a good idea to stay productive. Moreover we also know that it instantly makes us more stress. Unfortunately, our Era is all about multitasking. Are you aware that our education and work has been complicated in the name of ‘being systematic’? If you are aware, know that there is no way to be a minimalist anymore. I’m going to share common tips that anyone can relate and try to cope with your responsibilities.

At first, don’t procrastinate! It sounds very simple and irritating at the same time. I know🤭 I’ve been in the same boat. Although you feel motivated when completing a task at the last minute, it affect your mental and physical health if you keep doing it in a long term. You might end up having insomnia as you trained your body to stay up all night and many other issues. Personally, I experienced struggle to sleep, loss of appetite, and constantly feeling dizzy, tired and because of these, I’ve started to isolate myself from my classmates. So, I’ll share some steps where you can stop procrastinating and how to be more productive.

1. Less is more

I meant to break down your tasks into little chunks. Many bloggers and youtubers have shared about this method. But I’m going to share how it is applicable and effective when you don’t have motivation to do anything.

Either you’re a student or working somewhere it is really realistic way of being productive. I’m sure that you have to do projects every time. All you’ve to do is write down the deadline. If you hate having a schedule book or planner, just type in ‘notes’ of your phone. Then list down the components of your projects and add dates next to it. You can do it for individual and group tasks to track your progress.

These is how I usually segregate the task. I also do it for individual projects as well. For your info, it is still applicable for anyone who are working. Example, I’m a private tutor. I need to prepare my lesson plans for different level of students, track their progress and assist the students at the same time. I’ve to do a lot of things at the same time. Making my tasks into little chunks help me to be in track as I don’t forget anything. Instead of loading it up and missed out anything, I can spend my own sweet time with the projects.

To be honest, you can be more relaxed when you try this. You can still try this method to do revision for your final exams. It’s really worth it. Let say I’ve to summarize a journal (refer the screenshot), I have 24 hours for it. I’ll use the pomodoro technique. It’s like taking 5-15 minutes breaks for every 30-45 minutes. You can do whatever that can be done in 15 minutes of break. Once it is over, get back to the work till next 30 minutes. So do you think you can read the journal in 24 hours?

That’s how making the tasks into little chunks can be achievable. You’re not wasting your time during the breaks. A little bit of self love is what we needed to rejuvenate our tired mind. Maybe make yourself a cappuccino, 10 minutes of scalp massage, listen or sing song, play any instrument that you have.

It was about to-do list right? Have you ever thought about a win-list?

You have to add mini rewards to your win list. Everyone think of main reward such as vacation during holidays but we often neglect the mini reward which boost us to achieve the main goal.

This is my win list for my current semester. I will keep changing my mini reward every semesters. Those who are working can change it every month. So that you will never feel boring or empty. An important rule of win list is do not reveal anything till your bestfriend or your family members ask you “how you are able to manage yourself/what else you are doing?” Etc

If getting a body wax is a part of your mini reward, don’t post about it in social media. Let those rewards make you stable for really long time. In my case I’m having mini rewards lists from September 2017. If you are not achieving something change your mini reward. For me, i can’t achieve full attendance. So, I’m not buying clothes in the 50th day. I’m thinking something else for my next semester. You can comment below if you have 1.

3. Be a minimalist

Few things that I follow is scheduling and using apps or software in right way. Reminders are irritating for me so I usually have my planner with me. For those who hate writing can try scheduling apps such as Appointlet. You can set appointment and task to do and so on. If you’re someone who deal with online businesses you can schedule your post for a week advance. For group projects, student can make compiling easy. Compiling the report is really irritating as we have to edit everything including copy and pasted parts. I love using Google doc as we cannot copy paste on it. I’ll just segregate task and share the editable links. From this, we can avoid plagiarism and we don’t have to spend hours adjusting the font, spacing and margins.

These are the main and effective way that really help me to get things done. Frankly, I’m really lazy. Hope you try these and share how did you felt about it. You can also suggest me if there are some other mini rewards that you tried and gave amazing results.

See you with another interesting post

Networking Strategies for Introverts in Reality

Holla!!! When I say networking, what comes to your mind? Social medias? sharing your knowledge with people? A gift that extroverts have by nature?

First of all, networking is making connections. Obviously, we have many apps and social medias to create connection. Yes, we get hundreds of likes for our live videos. When it comes to reality, many can’t really express the same energy with people.

Why? Because social media have all the virtual tools to assist us for networking but in reality, you have nothing. Especially introverts. They have a very small circle. They sometimes feel nervous or shy to bump into a new member.

Networking in reality is more powerful than virtual networking. I’m here to share 3 mindset that an introvert should have in order to build network. View networking as a meaningful connection. Yes, there are misconceptions regarding networking; such as roaming around with friends and socializing. But networking is totally different.

If you see networking as meaningful connection, there’s no way for negative people in your life. Example, if you are someone who has growth mindset, networking with growth mindset will boost you to be in a track. You’re not socializing with everyone. You are being yourself and choosing the right one. best way to make meaningful connection is finding people with common interests, aims, and their actions must be congruent with their goals.

This leads to my next point, which is support each other. Yes! don’t be afraid to support your type of people. Networking is to empower you and your surroundings. So, why not show some support and let them grow? Introverts stay silent when they are in a group where their thoughts and ideas are ignored. Now, you don’t have to stay silent. You have the right team with you. Just share some knowledge and be a good listener. sharing knowledge is a way to build trust. You are giving a hand for someone to grow.

Next, is equal treatment. Yes! Before that, I’m going to ask you something. What is the purpose for you to build network? Personal? Business? You can keep it to yourself but, take a moment to think the reason. Do you want to brand yourself for business purposes? Do you like if your friends or people around you constantly asking you to give your products for free? It is unpleasant right? So, do you want to do that for a friend who are struggling to do own business? Think about it. Not only business, this applies in many situations.

For instance, I was very arrogant and hot tempered. Now, not anymore. Because I realized that no humans love to be treated rudely and yell at them. I’m being calm and think before I speak. Keep in mind that networking is a long-term process and you will get what you gave. These are the basic that you can try out in any situation, I have a lot of effective methods that specifically for certain type of people to try in reality also, I have a lot of networking experience for someone who just started their own business. I don’t mind sharing those with you. You can comment your interests, so that I can share what you love to read in upcoming posts. Thank you


Breakup is basically a termination process of a romantic relationship. There will be many reasons for someone to end a relationship. I’m here today to share possible ways to move on. There are 3 aspects or categories in this process. First, mind control, next is life purpose and finally self-love.

Based on the first aspect, which is mind control, this step is really important as it increase our self awareness. First step to achieve self awareness is accept yourself. For instance, breakup is really a heartbreaking moment. You will feel desperate, sad. Accept it! Cry! Do not hide your feelings. You can’t move to the next level with unfinished business.

Next step of mind control is to maintain the no contact rule. It is basically blocking your ex in social medias. Block his/her phone number. Then, delete their pictures and throw out the gifts they presented. Remember, do this when you are completely accepted and aware of the current issue. Do not do this when you aren’t ready because the urge to contact your ex will harm your mental health.

Next, move to life purpose. This is the right time to find yourself. Why you are exist here even after all these heartbreaking moments? You have your family to take care of. You have yourself to take care of. You have some unfinished goals to achieve.

The best way to find out life purpose is to make yourself busy. If you are either studying or working, don’t skip it. Attendance is important. Attend your class/ go to office. Occupy yourself with projects. I’m damn sure you have a lot of deadlines no matter student or professional. Segregate your tasks really well and make sure you are not missing anything. This is the time to give the best you could in your class / office.

You can start focusing on businesses. There are many business you can do in order to interact with people and learn new things while generating some income. In my case, I do more marketing than before and engage with people more than before. Imagine, you are a successful entrepreneur even though you haven’t achieve it, you will get the motivation to meet new people.

Divert yourself and learn something from engaging with businesses. This will gradually give confidence. You will no longer feel left alone. Remember, now it’s time to talk to someone about your breakup. Do not do this when you aren’t stable. Speak to someone what are feeling rationally. I spoke to my mom and 3 of my friends who are accepting me as who I am. If you are not stable yet, you can accept judgemental replies from people around you. That’s the point.

Final step is self-love. You might be wondering why self love is in the last stage. It’s because the first 2 aspects are to insist self acceptance. Now it’s time to embrace yourself. In my case, I’ll just follow my routine when I was single. I love to dance and engage in Zumba workout. I’ve restart it. Now, I’m also taking care of my skin, hair and overall health very well.

See breakup as one of the challenge you deal in your life. You can’t let someone to stay with you. The only person who can stay with you is ‘YOU’. You have your goals and dreams to achieve. Do not look back! Have a wonderful journey.

Life Changing Skincare Habits Anyone At Their 20’s Should Know!

skincare is the practice of relieving skin conditions and enhancing the outer look. from my opinion, skincare is the practice of being hygienic because, we cleanse our skin to remove dirt, we tone our skin to minimize the pores to reduce blackheads and whiteheads, then we apply masks depending on our skin needs, we moisturize our skin and we protect it by using a sunscreen. basically, this is all about basic skincare; more than enough for teen to anyone in their twenties. in this post, I will be sharing realistic ways to choose products wisely and to be consistently use the products.

1. eating healthy

I know this sounds weird and being a hosteller we can’t find proper meals. having heavy work load leads to skip meals. it is fine, I have two beneficial ways to maintain healthy skin. first, eat seasonal fruits. seasonal fruits are exist for a reason. eat right fruits at the right season. for example, rambutan is widely available from May till December? Malaysians, can you imagine how dry and sunny our country will be in these months? Rambutan is damn refreshing and it’s available in this month. can you see the sync? this is why eating seasonal fruits are the best. the second idea is drinking plenty of water. I have already shared this in my previous post: https://glowinthedarklife.wordpress.com/2019/01/19/how-to-eat-without-getting-fat/

Drinking plenty of water is the most realistic method to stay healthy and have clear skin. but, we really ignore it; including me. so, i drink water for every 45minutes. click the link above to know how I’m able to do that.

2. know what does your skin needs

checking the condition of your skin. we often observe the condition of our skin from outside but ignore the root cause. having a bad skin is not only about acnes, dark circles and sunburn/tan. skin issues are more deeper than we think. Getting consultation from a dermatologist is expensive. So, I fixed an appointment with independent consultant of Mary Kay as they have skin analyzer. I get free consultations with her. I get to know how my skin look underneath. I read the comments. From that consultation, I tend to know what my skin needs. Do not buy the recommended products in the skin analyzing app. because it suggest products for aging people but I’m too young; it’s just i was not consistent with the routine. That time, i just cleanse my skin, apply a mask; that’s it. later, I bought drugstore products.

3. choosing skincare products wisely.

I would like to share the mistake I’ve done in 2017. I bought a moisturizer from Shurah, it comes in a pink tube or bottle whatever. I bought this because my friends said this is a good brand and the price were very reasonable. I was having terrible sun tan. so, after a week of using this moisturizer I noticed I became fairer. My friends were asking what I’m using and I thought this particular product is removing my tan. but, after 3 weeks, I noticed that my skin looks so artificial. Then, I read the description of the product. the first day I only read how to use section; not the description. Do you know what i saw in description? I saw this “mengurangkan melanin dalam kulit” It says that this product will reduce the melanin in your skin!

2017 is when I started to purchase skincare product. I only used ubtan (Indian herbal powders – mixture of turmeric, green gram dal and many more) for my skin. Before this, I only use makeup. I have 0 knowledge about skincare products; I only depend on DIY remedies. I can’t be consistent with home remedies after joining university.

So, all you need to do read the description, check the ingredients, google about the ingredients. I do this every time I enter guardian pharmacy. i take a snap of ingredients list and google about it. practically, we hostellers might not afford to buy one brand products. so, in order to cut cost we tend to purchase the cheapest cleanser from brand A, cheapest toner from brand B and so on. it is not wrong but you can’t mix and match all the products. a moisturizer with vitamin E cancels out your acne scar but you bought a vitamin C toner. Can you match vitamin E and C? How will your skin react? think about it. and of course compare the amount of the product and the price. is it worth the hype to spend RM 70 for just 15ml product? instead of wants, focus on needs.

3. consistent routine

I am lazy af to take out the toner from the pouch. I don’t use toner and moisturizer consistently. so what I did is I arranged the makeup remover, cleanser, toner, moisturizer and all the face masks, cotton pads in my bathroom. Now, there is no reason that I forgot to remove my makeup, I can’t use a toner because I don’t know where the cotton pads are. Moreover, I still can follow this routine even though I’m running late. I wokeup late yesterday and i managed to have a presentable look too.

There are some issues to take note:

1. don’t forget to remove makeup, try my trick

2. invest in oil makeup remover or if it’s too expensive for you, invest in olive oil. so that you can give a good massage to your skin while removing your makeup

3. toner is not a second cleansing method. the purpose of toner is to maintain your skin’s pH value and minimize the pores. So, do not wipe it, dab it.

4. just use the prescribed amount of product. because your skin doesn’t need more than that. If it is a pee size, follow it. if they ask to spray 2 pumps, just 2 pumps. Don’t overdo

overall, this post look very simple and short. Trust me this steps really change the way your skin looks. Your skin will thank you within 4 months.

The Art of Getting What You Want: How to Use Confidence to Achieve Your Goals.

Why do we want what we do? And why we don’t want something that we don’t do? What is going on here ? Why do you breakup with someone you love the most? why there are some people quit their passion? You will get a basic input regarding this in my post today.

Confidence and self-esteem is almost same; where you feel satisfied with yourself when you know your capacity. Knowing your strengths will form a motivation within ourselves.

According to theory of motivation, our needs will lead us to modify our behavior in order to achieve our needs. Here the needs are the goals. As a result we will be satisfied with ourselves.

Now, how do we use confidence to achieve our goal? First and foremost, sharpen your self-awareness. This will help you to know your strengths and weakness. Gradually, find ways overcome your weaknesses.

For example, if your weakness is being too emotional, add meditation and journaling into your daily routine to control your emotions.

Self awareness will not only help us to know our strengths and weaknesses, but it will also form motivation. Having confidence instantly boost your self-awareness and motivation to achieve something.

If you did the first step, the next step will be a peace of cake for you. Belief that your thoughts will happen in reality. Some people will say this as law of attraction. The basic idea of this is constant belief no matter positive beliefs or negative beliefs.

As you know your goal (need) and your strengths that enable you to achieve this, you will be having positive thoughts regarding your goal continuously.

The last step is to be patient with the time. The more you belief yourself and the universe, everything will happen in the right time.

Although these are just 3 steps the process is not short. Till we are unaware of our own capacity and willing to modify our behavior in order to achieve our goal, we will be clueless.