Breakup is basically a termination process of a romantic relationship. There will be many reasons for someone to end a relationship. I’m here today to share possible ways to move on. There are 3 aspects or categories in this process. First, mind control, next is life purpose and finally self-love.

Based on the first aspect, which is mind control, this step is really important as it increase our self awareness. First step to achieve self awareness is accept yourself. For instance, breakup is really a heartbreaking moment. You will feel desperate, sad. Accept it! Cry! Do not hide your feelings. You can’t move to the next level with unfinished business.

Next step of mind control is to maintain the no contact rule. It is basically blocking your ex in social medias. Block his/her phone number. Then, delete their pictures and throw out the gifts they presented. Remember, do this when you are completely accepted and aware of the current issue. Do not do this when you aren’t ready because the urge to contact your ex will harm your mental health.

Next, move to life purpose. This is the right time to find yourself. Why you are exist here even after all these heartbreaking moments? You have your family to take care of. You have yourself to take care of. You have some unfinished goals to achieve.

The best way to find out life purpose is to make yourself busy. If you are either studying or working, don’t skip it. Attendance is important. Attend your class/ go to office. Occupy yourself with projects. I’m damn sure you have a lot of deadlines no matter student or professional. Segregate your tasks really well and make sure you are not missing anything. This is the time to give the best you could in your class / office.

You can start focusing on businesses. There are many business you can do in order to interact with people and learn new things while generating some income. In my case, I do more marketing than before and engage with people more than before. Imagine, you are a successful entrepreneur even though you haven’t achieve it, you will get the motivation to meet new people.

Divert yourself and learn something from engaging with businesses. This will gradually give confidence. You will no longer feel left alone. Remember, now it’s time to talk to someone about your breakup. Do not do this when you aren’t stable. Speak to someone what are feeling rationally. I spoke to my mom and 3 of my friends who are accepting me as who I am. If you are not stable yet, you can accept judgemental replies from people around you. That’s the point.

Final step is self-love. You might be wondering why self love is in the last stage. It’s because the first 2 aspects are to insist self acceptance. Now it’s time to embrace yourself. In my case, I’ll just follow my routine when I was single. I love to dance and engage in Zumba workout. I’ve restart it. Now, I’m also taking care of my skin, hair and overall health very well.

See breakup as one of the challenge you deal in your life. You can’t let someone to stay with you. The only person who can stay with you is ‘YOU’. You have your goals and dreams to achieve. Do not look back! Have a wonderful journey.

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