Networking Strategies for Introverts in Reality

Holla!!! When I say networking, what comes to your mind? Social medias? sharing your knowledge with people? A gift that extroverts have by nature?

First of all, networking is making connections. Obviously, we have many apps and social medias to create connection. Yes, we get hundreds of likes for our live videos. When it comes to reality, many can’t really express the same energy with people.

Why? Because social media have all the virtual tools to assist us for networking but in reality, you have nothing. Especially introverts. They have a very small circle. They sometimes feel nervous or shy to bump into a new member.

Networking in reality is more powerful than virtual networking. I’m here to share 3 mindset that an introvert should have in order to build network. View networking as a meaningful connection. Yes, there are misconceptions regarding networking; such as roaming around with friends and socializing. But networking is totally different.

If you see networking as meaningful connection, there’s no way for negative people in your life. Example, if you are someone who has growth mindset, networking with growth mindset will boost you to be in a track. You’re not socializing with everyone. You are being yourself and choosing the right one. best way to make meaningful connection is finding people with common interests, aims, and their actions must be congruent with their goals.

This leads to my next point, which is support each other. Yes! don’t be afraid to support your type of people. Networking is to empower you and your surroundings. So, why not show some support and let them grow? Introverts stay silent when they are in a group where their thoughts and ideas are ignored. Now, you don’t have to stay silent. You have the right team with you. Just share some knowledge and be a good listener. sharing knowledge is a way to build trust. You are giving a hand for someone to grow.

Next, is equal treatment. Yes! Before that, I’m going to ask you something. What is the purpose for you to build network? Personal? Business? You can keep it to yourself but, take a moment to think the reason. Do you want to brand yourself for business purposes? Do you like if your friends or people around you constantly asking you to give your products for free? It is unpleasant right? So, do you want to do that for a friend who are struggling to do own business? Think about it. Not only business, this applies in many situations.

For instance, I was very arrogant and hot tempered. Now, not anymore. Because I realized that no humans love to be treated rudely and yell at them. I’m being calm and think before I speak. Keep in mind that networking is a long-term process and you will get what you gave. These are the basic that you can try out in any situation, I have a lot of effective methods that specifically for certain type of people to try in reality also, I have a lot of networking experience for someone who just started their own business. I don’t mind sharing those with you. You can comment your interests, so that I can share what you love to read in upcoming posts. Thank you

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