What does PCOS do to your body?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a medical condition caused by imbalance reproduction hormones. Healthy menstrual cycle is when the ovaries release eggs every month. When the eggs aren’t developed properly, it is not released during ovulation. Based on personal experiences, I realize that this syndrome is poorly understood and even women are unaware of this health problem.

PCOS patients are at a higher risk of developing infertility, dysfunctional uterine bleeding and endometrial carcinoma, and a number of metabolic disorders including insulin resistance,
hyperinsulinaemia, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, hypertension, dyslipidaemia and cardiovascular disease. hence, early diagnosis should be emphasized.


  1. irregular menstrual cycle (prolonged period or cycle are more than 35 days) – normal cycle are from 25-35 days. if it is shorter or longer than this time frame, please consult a doctor.
  2. hirsutism (hair on chin & other parts of the body where usually men have hair)
  3. female pattern baldness
  4. Weight gain
  5. Struggling to lose weight
  6. too many acne especially in the chest
  7. skin gets too dark (dull complexion & underarm , neck crease)
  8. stress
  9. sleeping patterns will change

Sometimes your lifestyle might lead to hormonal imbalance and insulin resistance which will lead to PCOS. so, proper diet, workout & getting enough sleep is really important.


  1. insulin resistance: Up to 70% of women with PCOS have insulin resistance meaning that their cells can’t use insulin properly. Insulin is a hormone the pancreas produces to help the body use sugar from foods for energy. When cells cannot use insulin properly, the body’s demand for insulin increases. The pancreas makes more insulin to compensate. Extra insulin triggers the ovaries to produce more male hormones.
  2. Inflammation due to higher level of androgen: obesity is a cause for inflammation in the body.

And sometimes it could be your genetic.

So, if you noticed any of these symptoms do get a medical checkup.


  1. infertility
  2. being overweight or obese increase the risk of high blood pressure, low HDL, thyroid, diabetes and heart disease
  3. pausing breathe when you’re sleeping (Sleep apnea)
  4. endometrial cancer (thick uterus wall)
  5. mood swings and depression

a lot of women are worrying about the treatment & feeling shy to consult a doctor. remember, it is always better to take actions as PCOS can be curable. All you need to do is a pelvic exam, blood test and an ultrasound. basically, the doctors diagnose PCOS in a women who have at least 2 of these symptoms (irregular menstrual cycle, cyst in ovaries, high androgen levels).

Honestly, I don’t really know about the treatment procedures. All I can say is maintain right body weight, make sure that your cycle is normal and take care of your mental health.

for the teens & women out there, here are 2 tips to balance your hormone. first, follow seed cycling & consume moon charged water (place a bottle of water under moon & drink it on the next day)

There is a strong connection between a woman body and the moon. women with irregular period can follow the moon cycle. These are the best preventative tips.

Almost 60% of women and 80% men do not even know what is PCOS. Overall, women with a diagnosis of PCOS reported that they had better knowledge than those who did not have PCOS.

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