Ways to verify a trusted seller

Online Shopping might be risky although it is easy for us to purchase something. We’re not new to online shopping. But, this pandemic season give us the urge to online purchasing more than usual. Unfortunately, online shopping is not only make shopping easier but it is also making scam easier. Hence, I’ll share simple yet effective steps to do safe online shopping.

Firstly, stalk! Yes you’ve to really stalk the profile. I did not only mean social media but I am also stressing out about the online shopping platforms such as shopee, lazada & mudah.my. There are several aspects that you need to keep in mind.

The most important thing is identity. You are scrolling your screen and an ad popped up. It seems attractive as the price of the item is way more cheaper. I feel you but put your excitement in a side and check their profile.

What is their username?

Many organization band members that use the name of their organization as a username. Username is the name of the user! Non of the organizations have shopee or lazada accounts. Honestly, they don’t need it as they already have their own website where you can purchase from them directly. So, if you came across a profile without valid username, the chances of getting cheated is really high

Next, is there any other way that you can contact the seller?

An entrepreneur doesn’t only depend on 1 source to get database of customers. For an entrepreneur, database is king! So, they have other platforms to share contents with their customers.

For example, I am a dropshipper for Sailajah Hair Care Products. You can find my business IG, FB accounts, my personal accounts, my fb page, pinterest account, blog, YouTube, Twitter and Tumblr. I’ve linked all these profiles in my FB & IG account. Even in my tiktokt, I’ve linked my personal Instagram and YouTube accounts.

Content is Queen. So, trusted sellers will find a way to brand themselves in different platforms. For example, if you sell clothes, you can post photos of yours in amazing outfits and you might pin your pictures in Pinterest. So, your IG / FB followers have a chance to view your dress collections. Meanwhile your pinterest followers or anyone who saved the similar boards can access your photos and it gives engagement to your account.

From a customer perspective, price is not the only thing that I care about. I have to use the item and I really want to know the advantages of the products, I also want to know whether it meets my preferences or not, overall the quality of the items. Even, if I’m thinking of to purchase a book. I want to make sure that I receive it fast and safe. So, where do I get all these details? From their personal account right? I can see the feedbacks of customers once received the items, Cod’s and other postage details.

In my case, I make use of many social media platforms. Those who have FB might not have Instagram, tiktok or pinterest, some might not interested in reading blog post but love watching YouTube videos. So, these platforms reach out potential customers with same preferences from different sources.

From this, you’ve definitely seen the face of the person. Next, check for the validity of the information shared by those sellers. Main information is the price. I know that cheaper price is what you want but spare a couple of minute to reach out the HQ’s official account. If there’s no promotions announced by the HQ itself and there’s someone selling cheaper price, then it is a violation.

According to the consumer act protection 1999 (Akta 599), fake or misleading representation is a big NO!

Although you bought a product from an unknown person in a cheaper price, and received it that doesn’t mean the product is in a good quality. It might be the local.

Apart from the sellers profile, you need to check on the products packaging. Local products definitely have errors that we definitely overlooked such as logo, spellings of the brand and other claims on the products, serial number and ingredients.

And do make sure of the payment procedures. Make sure that the seller is the account holder before transferring any amount. You can verify the details of the seller in CCID portal

You can even verify their phone number in this portal. Do not make any transfer if the account holder name is not similar with the username and if the handphone number is not similar registered with the bank account. If you want to know how international banking works, just leave a comment. I’ll post a separate post soon.

I hope you get many inputs on choosing the right seller. Please don’t put yourself in risk.

For more: https://youtu.be/ZTyXASrv1m0

Thank you

How do I multi-task although I’m lazy?

We know that multitasking is not a good idea to stay productive. Moreover we also know that it instantly makes us more stress. Unfortunately, our Era is all about multitasking. Are you aware that our education and work has been complicated in the name of ‘being systematic’? If you are aware, know that there is no way to be a minimalist anymore. I’m going to share common tips that anyone can relate and try to cope with your responsibilities.

At first, don’t procrastinate! It sounds very simple and irritating at the same time. I know🤭 I’ve been in the same boat. Although you feel motivated when completing a task at the last minute, it affect your mental and physical health if you keep doing it in a long term. You might end up having insomnia as you trained your body to stay up all night and many other issues. Personally, I experienced struggle to sleep, loss of appetite, and constantly feeling dizzy, tired and because of these, I’ve started to isolate myself from my classmates. So, I’ll share some steps where you can stop procrastinating and how to be more productive.

1. Less is more

I meant to break down your tasks into little chunks. Many bloggers and youtubers have shared about this method. But I’m going to share how it is applicable and effective when you don’t have motivation to do anything.

Either you’re a student or working somewhere it is really realistic way of being productive. I’m sure that you have to do projects every time. All you’ve to do is write down the deadline. If you hate having a schedule book or planner, just type in ‘notes’ of your phone. Then list down the components of your projects and add dates next to it. You can do it for individual and group tasks to track your progress.

These is how I usually segregate the task. I also do it for individual projects as well. For your info, it is still applicable for anyone who are working. Example, I’m a private tutor. I need to prepare my lesson plans for different level of students, track their progress and assist the students at the same time. I’ve to do a lot of things at the same time. Making my tasks into little chunks help me to be in track as I don’t forget anything. Instead of loading it up and missed out anything, I can spend my own sweet time with the projects.

To be honest, you can be more relaxed when you try this. You can still try this method to do revision for your final exams. It’s really worth it. Let say I’ve to summarize a journal (refer the screenshot), I have 24 hours for it. I’ll use the pomodoro technique. It’s like taking 5-15 minutes breaks for every 30-45 minutes. You can do whatever that can be done in 15 minutes of break. Once it is over, get back to the work till next 30 minutes. So do you think you can read the journal in 24 hours?

That’s how making the tasks into little chunks can be achievable. You’re not wasting your time during the breaks. A little bit of self love is what we needed to rejuvenate our tired mind. Maybe make yourself a cappuccino, 10 minutes of scalp massage, listen or sing song, play any instrument that you have.

It was about to-do list right? Have you ever thought about a win-list?

You have to add mini rewards to your win list. Everyone think of main reward such as vacation during holidays but we often neglect the mini reward which boost us to achieve the main goal.

This is my win list for my current semester. I will keep changing my mini reward every semesters. Those who are working can change it every month. So that you will never feel boring or empty. An important rule of win list is do not reveal anything till your bestfriend or your family members ask you “how you are able to manage yourself/what else you are doing?” Etc

If getting a body wax is a part of your mini reward, don’t post about it in social media. Let those rewards make you stable for really long time. In my case I’m having mini rewards lists from September 2017. If you are not achieving something change your mini reward. For me, i can’t achieve full attendance. So, I’m not buying clothes in the 50th day. I’m thinking something else for my next semester. You can comment below if you have 1.

3. Be a minimalist

Few things that I follow is scheduling and using apps or software in right way. Reminders are irritating for me so I usually have my planner with me. For those who hate writing can try scheduling apps such as Appointlet. You can set appointment and task to do and so on. If you’re someone who deal with online businesses you can schedule your post for a week advance. For group projects, student can make compiling easy. Compiling the report is really irritating as we have to edit everything including copy and pasted parts. I love using Google doc as we cannot copy paste on it. I’ll just segregate task and share the editable links. From this, we can avoid plagiarism and we don’t have to spend hours adjusting the font, spacing and margins.

These are the main and effective way that really help me to get things done. Frankly, I’m really lazy. Hope you try these and share how did you felt about it. You can also suggest me if there are some other mini rewards that you tried and gave amazing results.

See you with another interesting post

Business is not my cup of tea- then why Mary Kay?

Life transition is something that goes smoothly. But people often struggles to adjust with the changes in period. One reason for the struggle is having a lot of goals in life. God will give whatever you need but when you have a plan out of it, that is where you going to struggle. This is a story of mine as usual.

I was very calculative because, I were surrounded by people with fixed mentality. so, I had the usual mindset. what I wanted were graduating from university and search for a job. but, at my age of 16, I tend to confuse about myself. this was because, I was very particular about my identity.

That’s when I started to give up education. I still finished schooling and joined university. My perception about freedom changed entirely. especially, when all the lecturers asked “what makes you to choose Diploma in Counseling?” I knew about where I can work but I was really insecure about how I’m going to lead my life.

I can sense that the real freedom in 21st century is financial freedom. Because here (university) everyone were very flexible. Flexible mindset enable them to learn more rather than syllabuses. I felt that is more long lasting way for pursuing any career. It means, I don’t have to rely on one particular course.

I get to understand that making money is the key. so, I have to start a business in my preferred field. I’m damn sure business is not that easy if you really want to make yourself as a trademark in future. I have to struggle a lot. I learned business at my university.

Theory itself is not enough. I started to search a platform for theory application. That’s how I tend to know about Mary Kay. I do believe in law of attraction. if something is really belongs to me it will chase me. I can sense that business opportunities chasing me. I chose the best out of all.

Now what’s so special in Mary Kay? Nothing it’s all about the demand. We are living in a world where first impression matters. My own experiences that I shared in my previous posts is the main reason to choose Mary Kay. I’m not alone and everyone have been judged by their appearance. And everyone have rights to look good. what’s wrong if I empower the women around me?

For lifetime financial support you have to remembered by many; having an influential personality is what I need to survive!